
Demolition of part of the Separation Wall between Jerusalem and Abu Dis
October 22, 2013

Dozens of young men demolished part of the Separation Wall between the city of Jerusalem and town of Abu Dis as a response to the demolition of a building under construction in the town. Clashes broke out in Abu Dis, (University Street and Kabseh intersection) between the young men and Israeli forces which fired rubber, live, and expanding bullets to disperse the young men; note that the clashes started on midnight Monday and lasted until midnight Tuesday. Hani Halabieh, spokesman of Public Resistance Committees, said that several young men demolished part of the Separation Wall using hand tools (diameter of 2.5m and height of 3m) and some of them were able to go into the city of Jerusalem before the Israeli forces arrived and dispersed the young men by using gas bombs and rubber bullets. He explained that dozens of young men and locals of Abu Dis suffocated and were injured by rubber bullets in addition to the injury of three young men with live and expanding bullets who were transported to the hospitals for treatment. He also explained that the administration of Al-Quds University, Abu Dis Boys School, Arabic Institute School announced the suspension of education for Tuesday because of the cordon imposed on the area, and several commercial stores were forced to close down for the day.  

ابو ديس 00

ابو ديس 3


اغلاق المنطقة ابو ديس

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