
Isolating two young Jerusalemites from Al-Aqsa Mosque
December 7, 2013

The Israeli authorities isolated two young Jerusalemite men from Al-Aqsa Mosque. Wadi Hilweh Information Center was informed that the Magistrate court judge ordered to isolate 22-year old Mahmoud Abdelwahab Abdellatif from Al-Aqsa for 21 days and to stay 20 meters away from its gates. Abdellatif explained that the Israeli police and Intelligence forces broke into his house in Al-Sa’dyeh neighbourhood on Friday early morning and arrested him and took him to Al-Qishleh center. They accused him of “Incitement and preparing for riots Al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday 06/12-2013.” He added that he was then transferred to Al-Maskobyeh and then presented to the Magistrate court judge who decided to isolate him from Al-Aqsa and sign a 10-thousand NIS bail. It is noteworthy that the police stationed at Al-Aqsa gates arrested Musbah Abu Sbeih on Saturday and took him to Al-Silsileh Gate police center and verbally informed him that he wasn’t allowed to enter Al-Aqsa without specifying a duration or handing him any documents.