
In pictures…the Israeli authorities continue the violations against “Ma’man Allah” cemetery
January 20, 2014

The Israeli authorities recently built a cafeteria, a park for dogs and several restrooms on the lands of “Ma’man Allah” cemetery west of Jerusalem. The Jerusalem municipality also threw the wood shavings to cover the rest of the remaining graves in the Muslim cemetery. Mustafa Abu Zahra, head of Islamic cemeteries in the Islamic Awqaf, said that the occupation authorities built a cafeteria, a park for dogs and several restrooms on the lands of “Ma’man Allah” cemetery and exactly on the area where the “Independence Park” is built. He added that the occupation authorities covered the southern area of the cemetery which is around 15 Dunoms with wood shavings with a height of 30-50 centimetres in addition to covering parts of the cemetery in the area near the “Museum of Tolerance” and pointed out that there are piles of wood shavings that are projected to be used to cover more parts of the cemetery.

نجارة الاخشاب مـأمن الله

مقبرة مامن الله

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مأمن الله نجارة

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