Arresting five young Jerusalemite men
The Israeli police arrested three young men from inside Al-Aqsa courtyards on Tuesday night. Wadi Hilweh Information Center was informed that the police arrested three young men from inside the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Among the detainees was Jamil Abbasi and the police extended his arrest until Wednesday. The police also arrested Mohammad Tiryaqi while he was passing through Z’ayem checkpoint. They also arrested the 26-year old freed Jerusalem prisoner Malek “Mohammad Sameeh” Abdulrahman Haddad on Tuesday early morning from his house in the village of Esawyeh after they raided and precisely searched his house and damaged some of its contents. Malek is a free prisoner who spent two years inside the Israeli prisons and he was released a year and a half ago. The police also arrested Ra’fat Najib and Nidal Siam two days ago to interrogate them.