
The occupation arrests three children from Silwan
June 11, 2015

The occupation forces arrested on Thursday night three children while they were near the neighborhood of “Ein Silwan” in Silwan. Wadi Hilweh Information Center was informed that the occupation forces arrested the 10-year old Ahmad Izz Shweiki, 11-year old Mazen Shweiki and the 13-year old Odai Nidal Rajabi. The children’s families explained that the forces attacked their children while they were picking figs in the area of “Ein Silwan” when there were no clashes in the area. The families were informed of the arrest incident after receiving a phone call from friends who were also present in the area. They immediately headed to Salah Eddin Street police station to check on their kids but were prevented from entering and were ordered to stay away from the police center. PicMonkey Collage555