
The occupation forces arrest 5 Jerusalemites
December 6, 2015

The occupation forces arrested on Sunday 4 Jerusalemites from the Old City of Jerusalem and one from the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Amjad Abu Asab, head of Jerusalemites detainees and prisoners families committee, explained that the occupation forces arrested Hazem Sandouka (22), Naser Salameh (20), Hazem Ja’bari (16) and Nasrallah Ja’bari (14) from the Old City of Jerusalem. On the other hand, the forces arrested a young man from the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque after searching him while sitting in Al-Aqsa courtyards. On Sunday, 43 settlers broke into Al-Aqsa through Dung Gate and carried out a tour into its courtyards.