Details: Demolition order for residential and commercial establishments and a sports facility in Silwan
The Jerusalem municipality crews along with Israeli forces distributed several administrative demolition orders on Sunday to a number of houses, barracks, commercial establishments and a sports playground in the neighbourhoods of Silwan under the pretext of building without a permit. Wadi Hilweh Information Center staff explained that the occupation’s municipality raided the neighbourhoods of Abasyeh, Wadi Hilweh, Ein Al-Lozeh, Wad Yasool, Bi’er Ayoub and Ras Al-Amoud in Silwan and took pictures of the entrances and exits of the neighbourhoods and then hung administrative demolition orders on a number of establishments. Bi’er Ayoub… The municipality’s crews hung 4 demolition orders on commercial stores that belong to Siam family in the neighbourhood of Bi’er Ayoub; note the stores have been established since 1816 and were used as a coffee shop where men would go to everyday especially on Fridays before going to the “Friday market” in Lions Gate and the total area is around 100 square meters as said by Daoud Siam. Siam added that this is the first time they receive administrative demolition orders for the commercial stores that are used for groceries, bakery and one shop that sells parts for cars. He also said that the municipality’s crews hung an order on a 15-square meter room that was built in 2002 and the family was fined 15 thousand NIS for building that room that they use for storing wood blocks to be used in the winter time for heating purposes. Wadi Hilweh… The municipality’s crews hung an order on the sports playground in the neighbourhood which is built on a 850-square meters land and has 4 barracks where 3 of them are used for horses and one for sports equipment; note that the playground was built on a land owned by Siam family after the Israeli authorities threatened to confiscate the land. The locals of Wadi Hilweh turned the land into a playground that is used for the public at the end of 2010 and few months later the municipality demolished a barracks that was built and swept the land. They also handed Jawad Siam, director of Wadi Hilweh Information Center, an administrative demolition order for his house which is built since 1952. Jawad explained that he lately renovated the roof of his house because they suffered from water leakage in the past few years in the winter time stressing that he did not do any new construction or building. Demolition orders… The municipality’s crews also handed demolition orders to three residential houses in Wad Yasool, Ein Al-Lozeh and Ras Al-Amoud; note that they have been established for 10 years. They also hung a demolition order on a barracks used for raising sheep. Al-Abasyeh… The forces raided the “residential cave” where Khaled Al-Zeer lives on Sunday morning and handed him a demolition order for a 6-square meter room that is built from bricks and roofed by tin plates; note that he had built it last August after his house was demolished in order for his family that consists of 7 individuals to have a place to stay. The Magistrate court judge decided to stop the renovation works Khaled was doing in the cave but allowed him to live in the room since he does not have an alternative place to stay. Al-Zeer added that the Israeli forces along with the Intelligence raided his father’s house in the morning and detained his identification card for not finding Khaled at the house since he sleeps in the cave. They also arrested his 30-year old brother Fahmi until Khaled turns himself in and then confiscated his car and assaulted his daughter.