August 31, 2020 Displacing 10 individuals…The occupation authorities force...
August 31, 2020 Silwan…The conditional release of 3 cadres of Fateh moveme...
August 30, 2020 A Jerusalemite self-demolishes his house in the village of J...
August 30, 2020 Releasing a girl from the village of Issawiya on condition o...
August 26, 2020 Arrests in the city of Jerusalem…including a woman...
August 26, 2020 The Dabash family self-demolishes its building...
August 25, 2020 Occupation municipality demolish a house in Silwan...
August 24, 2020 A Jerusalemite self-demolishes his home…arrests...
August 22, 2020 For the second consecutive day…the occupation forces storm...
August 19, 2020 Arrests from the village of Issawiya...
August 18, 2020 Jabal Al-Mukabber…The injury of a young man and demolishin...
August 17, 2020 A Palestinian Martyr on the doorsteps of Al-Aqsa Mosque...
August 14, 2020 Silwan- The occupation municipality orders Aqeel family to s...
August 14, 2020 Silwan- Abbasi family self-demolishes its home...
August 13, 2020 Occupation municipality forces the Dwayyat family to self-de...
August 12, 2020 Following an order by the occupation municipality…Abu Jom...