The conditional release of 5 Jerusalemite children
The Israeli police released 5 Jerusalemite children on conditions of financial bail and house arrest. Mohammad Mahmoud, Al-Dameer organization lawyer, said that the Magistrate court judge decided to released 15-year old Mohammad Gheith and 13-year old Yazan Rajabi on condition of house arrest for 5 days; note that they were arrested on Wednesday on charges of throwing stones and were interrogated in Al-Maskobyeh and then the judge decided to release them with a bail and house arrest but their families refused to pay the bail and on Thursday the judge decided to release them with house arrest only. The District court judge decided to release the child Mohammad Ghanem with a bail of 2000 NIS, house arrest and isolation from the neighbourhood of Ras Al-Amoud to Beit Hanina north of Jerusalem. The judge also released the child Salman Abu Sbitan with a bail of 5 thousand NIS and house arrest. The Magistrate court judge released on Wednesday the boy Ahmad Samir Obeid from Esawyeh.