
The administrative prisoners continue their hunger strike
April 26, 2014

The administrative prisoners in the Israeli occupation’s prisons continue their open hunger strike from the 2nd consecutive day (Friday) in order to eliminate the policy of administrative detention. The Prisoner’s Club said that 200 administrative prisoners continue their hunger strike in order to eliminate the policy of administrative detention against the Palestinian people. The hunger strike is being carried out in three different prisons: “Megiddo”, “Ofar” and “Negev”. Wadi Hilweh Information Center was informed that the prison’s administration transferred several prisoners to other prisons in the last few days, and also took the electric devices from their room in an attempt to break their unity and force them to retreat from the hunger strike. It is noteworthy that the law of “administrative arrest” is being executed towards Palestinians when the occupation authorities lack any evidence to convict the prisoners and submit indictments against them. The prisoners went on an open hunger strike two years ago and the prisons administration pledged to restrict the administrative arrest and make it subject to legal reasons but they never committed to this agreement.