
The occupation arrests 18 citizens from the city of Jerusalem
May 25, 2015

The occupation forces arrested on Monday early morning eleven Jerusalemites after raiding their houses in Silwan and the Old City of Jerusalem; note that six children were among the detainees. Al-Dameer organization lawyer, Mohammad Mahmoud, explained to Wadi Hilweh Information Center that the occupation forces arrested the minor Hamdi Jaber, Ahmad Dia’ Gheith (17), Saeed Kiswani (16), Mohammad Bassam Abu Nab (17), Mohammad Mustafa Rweidi (17), Rateb Ragheb Haymooni (17) and the 20-year old Fahmi Mousa Haymooni. Amjad Abu Asab, head of Jerusalemites detainees and prisoners families committee, explained that the forces arrested Ahmad Jawdat Shawish (20), Laith Naser Gheith (22), Shadi Khader Abu Farha (24) and Ahmad Mahmoud Badrieh (19). In a related matter, the occupation forces also arrested six citizens while they were present near Al-Aqsa Gates. Among the detainees were: Taha Shawahneh, Kheir Shaymi, Mohammad Hashlamon, Nitham Abu Rammouz and Qusai Dandis. The forces also arrested the 19-year old Ahmad Kamel Alayan from the village of Esawyeh.