
Sentencing two young men and extending the arrest of 21 Jerusalemites
May 25, 2015

Al-Dameer organization lawyer, Mohammad Mahmoud, said that the District court judge sentenced on Monday Mahmoud Gheith for 26 months of actual imprisonment and a 4-thousand NIS fine in addition to a suspended probation of 12 months for three years. The judge also sentenced Mohammad Ziad Abu Sbitan for 7 months of actual imprisonment and a suspended probation of three months for three years. Extension of arrest… Lawyer Mahmoud explained that the Magistrate judge extended the arrest of Ahmad Gheith, Mohammad Rweidi, Mohammad Abu Nab and Fahmi Haymooni until 31/5/2015 and to interrogate them in “rooms number 4” at Al-Maskobyeh; note that they were arrested on Monday morning. The lawyer added that the judge extended the arrest of Mohammad Alayan until 31/5/2015; he is also being interrogated at Al-Maskobyeh cells. The judge also extended the arrest of Isam Anati (detained since the Israeli flags dance) until 17/6/2015 when the so-called “conduct officer” will release his report; note that evidence was submitted against him in Monday’s session. The Magistrate judge decided to release Ibrahim Al-Zeer with a 500-NIS bail, house-arrest for 4 days and a third-party bail of 5 thousand NIS but the police requested to stop the decision from being executed since they will appeal it. Also, the judge extended the arrest of Shadi Alayan until 1/6/2015 and Mutasem Abulhawa until 31/5/2015. In a related matter, the District court judge extended the arrest of Mohammad Qneibi, Mohammad Tayseer Abu Sbitan and Ayoub Abulhawa until 3/6/2015 and Baker Mughrabi, Issa Abu Jom’a, Ahmad Abu Shroukh and Mohammad Abu Jom’a until 2/6/2015. Wadi Hilweh Information Center was informed that the Magistrate judge extended the arrest of Hamdi Jaber until 28/5/2015, Rateb Haymooni and Saed Kiswani until 31/5/2015, and Laith Salim Shalabi until next Thursday; note that lawyer Tarek Barghouth from the Ministry of Prisoners defended the detainees. Releases… The Magistrate judge decided to release Mutaz Abdo with a 500-NIS bail and a third-party bail of 3 thousand NIS, and decided to release Omar Syouri, Mohammad Syouri and Mahmoud Abu Mayaleh with a 1000-NIS bail for each, house-arrest for 5 days and a third-party bail of 5 thousand NIS. Isolation from Al-Aqsa… Lawyer Ramzi Kateelat from Qudsuna organization for human rights explained that the Magistrate court isolated on Monday Rami Fakhouri from Al-Aqsa Mosque for 15 days;  note that Fakhouri was arrested on Sunday outside of Al-Silsileh Gate and was interrogated then handed a call to attend another interrogation the following day. The lawyer explained that Al-Qishleh police extended the arrest of Nitham Abu Rammouz for 24 hours to present him to the Magistrate court on Tuesday, and released Taha Shawahneh and Kheir Shaymi from the 1948 lands on condition of attended the Magistrate court on Tuesday; note that the police arrested them while entering Al-Aqsa Mosque on charges of “inciting riots”. The police also released on Monday Qusai Dandis and Mohammad Hashlamon without any conditions. The occupation police arrested on Monday a driver from the area of Herod’s Gate and transferred him to Salah Eddin Street police station.