
Arresting five Jerusalemites from the neighborhood of Beit Hanina
May 28, 2015

The occupation forces arrested on Thursday night five Jerusalemites from the neighborhood of Beit Hanina north of Jerusalem. Wadi Hilweh Information Center was informed that the occupation forces arrested five Jerusalemites during clashes that broke out near the settlers’ house in Beit Hanina in which the forces fired sound grenades and rubber bullets towards the young men under the pretext of “throwing Molotov Cocktails”. Al-Dameer organization lawyer, Mohammad Mahmoud, explained to Wadi Hilweh Information Center that the forces arrested Yousef Ja’abees, Hasan Kiswani, Ibrahim Salaymeh and Hamzeh Awawdeh. The detainees were transferred to Nabi Yacoub police center in Beit Hanina.