
The occupation forces fire live bullets towards a group of young men in Silwan
June 15, 2015

The occupation soldiers fired on Monday night live bullets towards a group of young men while chasing their car near the intersection of Wadi Al-Rababeh in Silwan. Witnesses said that the occupation forces chased a private car when it reached the intersection of Wadi Al-Rababeh (few meters away from Al-Bustan tent) and fired live bullets towards the passengers. The young men were forced to leave the car and the forces along with a Musta’ribeen (undercover) unit continued firing towards them which led to the injury of one young man. According to the initial information available to Wadi Hilweh Information Center, the forces arrested one young man who is yet to be identified. Also, the reason behind the chase was unknown. The locals of the neighborhoods of Al-Bustan, Ein Al-Lozeh and Bi’er Ayoub explained that they heard gun shots. Closing a side road in Ras Al-Amoud  On the other hand, the Israeli forces closed on Monday a side road in the neighborhood of Ras Al-Amoud in Jerusalem using cement blocks under the pretext of the breakout of clashes in the street. Wadi Hilweh Information Center was informed that the forces closed the street near the cemetery which leads to the neighborhoods of Aweis and Abu Madi and where hundreds of Jerusalemites live. Closing the road with cement clocks will obstruct the residents’ movement. In the same context, the forces were heavily deployed on Monday night in the neighborhood of Ein Al-Lozeh and the mountain across from it and they stopped and provoked young men and verbally insulted some of them.