
Storming into Al-Maqased hospital looking for the “file” of one specific patient and interrogating a doctor
October 27, 2015

The occupation forces stormed into Al-Maqased hospital in Jerusalem on Tuesday. Witnesses explained to Wadi Hilweh Information Center that the occupation forces raided the village of Al-Tur and surrounded Al-Maqased hospital and then stormed into its courtyards, the emergency and administration departments while a force was stationed into its courtyards and at the gates. Witnesses added that the forces claimed to have an order from the Israeli court to raid the hospital and take the file of a patient who recently received treatment at the hospital. The forces detained one of the doctors working at the hospital and interrogated him. تحقيق المقاصد مستشفى 12188579_10153088376362466_1677653926_n 12182305_10153088376327466_2049856160_n 12179985_10153088376292466_995804136_n 12179802_10153088376312466_585651574_n   804523_10153088376372466_579771302_n