
Pictures…Shu’fat: The occupation demolishes a house and displaces 24 individuals and injures 18 others
January 27, 2016

Eighteen Jerusalemite were injured during the demolition of Kifaya Risheq’s house in the neighborhood of Shu’fat north of Jerusalem and 24 individuals including 17 children were displaced. Rajeh Hawareen from the Palestinian Red Crescent explained that the occupation forces assaulted the residents including women and children. Wadi Hilweh Information Center was informed that 18 Jerusalemites by pepper gas and bruises. Among the injured was 11-year old Malak Risheq who is a special needs person. Also, the 17-year old Khaled Risheq was wounded in his head after being severely beaten by the occupation forces and one young man was wounded in his leg. Three paramedics were also injured during the assault and one woman fainted. Demolition and displacement… Kifaya Risheq explained that the forces evacuated the residents by force and without prior notice. They did not allow them to take the contents of their house nor did they allow them to grab their personal items; the municipality’s crews took some of the house contents before proceeding with the demolition process. She added that the forces deliberately pushed the residents during the unexpected evacuation especially during this cold weather. It is noteworthy that 24 individuals line in the house including 17 children (Kifaya and her children and their families). She explained that the house was built in 2000 and the family had paid 75 thousand NIS in building violation fees in addition to paying taxes on their land; the family has been fighting in court to protect their property since 2001. Kifaya also explained that the house is 150 square meters and consists of 7 rooms and their facilities as well as an outside courtyard. The occupation authorities are preparing to open the settlement street “21” to connect the Israeli settlements, Pisgat Zi'ev and Nabi Yackov, with Ramat Shlomo settlement reaching the settlements of Atarot and Modi’in in the north. 12637364_10153241520662466_1452942784_o 12636922_10153241520492466_1233876753_o 12633143_10153241520597466_2037726923_o 12633143_10153241520467466_830735442_o 12632983_10153241520687466_21719631_o 12596783_10153241520522466_98799726_o 12596873_10153241520622466_2034925346_o 12620760_10153241520437466_427342041_o 12630926_10153241520602466_427092217_o 12596781_10153241520557466_2112602668_o 12596709_10153241520422466_451789109_o 12591824_10153241520642466_597496986_o 12596709_10153241520422466_451789109_o