Suspending the medical insurance of the injured prisoner Isra’ Ja’abees
The occupation authorities suspended the medical insurance of the 31-year old Jerusalemite prisoner Isra’ Ja’abees who is accused of attempting to kill a policeman by blowing up a propane gas cylinder last October. Ja’abees family explained that the occupation authorities suspended the medical insurance of Isra’ Ja’abees since the 7th of the current month. The family found out about the matter after following up with the medical center where she is registered. The family pointed out that they headed to the medical center on Tuesday to bring some documents for Isra’ that her lawyer requested after submitting a request to conditionally release her due to her medical condition. The medical center’s director informed them that the medical insurance of Isra’ has been suspended by the “social security” without giving any explanations to the center’s administration. Prisoner Ja’abees Ja’abees was arrested on 11/10/2015 after suffering critical burns of first and third degrees in the face, hands, back and chest after a propane gas cylinder exploded in her car. The occupation authorities claimed that she attempted to kill a policeman by blowing up the cylinder while her family denied the charges. The family explained that Isra’ was preparing her house in Jerusalem to obtain a Jerusalemite ID for her son Mutasem and she was transferring her items in her personal vehicle. On the day of the incident, she was inside her car and had the gas cylinder and a television which the Israeli police did not say anything about. The medical insurance of Ja’abees was suspended while she really needs it as she is currently using a wheelchair since she is unable to walk long distances on her feet. She also needs a surgery in her nose, eye and two fingers in addition to other surgeries and treatment for the burns she suffered. She remained in the hospital for three months and was then transferred to Hasharon prison.