
Distributing administrative demolition orders to residential establishments in Silwan
February 28, 2016

Joint crews of occupation municipality and Israeli police raided on Saturday the neighborhood of Ein Al-Lozeh in Silwan and distributed administrative demolition orders to residential establishments. Witnesses explained to Wadi Hilweh Information Center that occupation forces and municipality’s crews raided Ein Al-Lozeh and took pictures of its streets and some establishments and then hung several administrative demolition orders on them. Nihad Abbasi, one of those affected, explained that the municipality crews raided the family’s residential building and took pictures and then handed him an administrative demolition order under the pretext of “expired building permit” as one of municipality’s employees told him with explaining what that means. Abbasi explained that the building consists of 4 residential apartments where each is 110 square meters and was built in 2002. Nihad Abbasi and his family of six individuals, Jalal Abbasi and his family of 5 individuals, Yousef Abbasi and his wife, a tenant and his wife and three children live in the building. Abbasi added that the occupation municipality imposed a 140-thousand NIS building violation fee on the family which was paid in full. The family has been trying to obtain a building permit from the municipality for their residential building.   منزل العباسي عين اللوزة منزل العباسي 2 منزل اعباسي بناية العباسي بناية العباسي عين اللوزة