Silwan: Judicial reports to evacuate 12 residential apartments where 92 individuals live
The settlement organization “Ateerat Cohanim” handed the sons of late Abdel Majid Rajabi three judicial reports asking them for their land in the neighborhood of Batn Al-Hawa in Silwan south of Al-Aqsa Mosque which also has a building established on it with 12 residential apartments; 92 individuals live in the building. Wadi Hilweh Information Center explained in a statement on Friday night that Ateerat Cohanim organization handed Fathi Rajabi, Harbi Rajabi, Talal Rajabi and Yaccoub Rajabi judicial reports asking them for their land. The organization gave the family 20 days to respond to their claims at court; they claim that the land is owned by three Jews from Yemen who used to live and own the land before 1948. Yaccoub Rajabi, member of Batn Al-Hawa committee and one of those affected, explained that the residential apartments are between 60-70 square meters each where 93 individuals live including 64 children. Rajabi added that his grandfather Abdel Majid and his sons and grandsons live in the apartments after they had bought the land in 1966 and have all the official documents to prove that. He added that most of the families in the neighborhood of Batn Al-Hawa are at risk of being evacuated from their home in favor of Ateerat Cohanim settlement organization that claims that Jews from Yemen own the lands. They have received judicial orders and are fighting their cases in the Israeli courts to prove their ownership and refute the settlers’ claims. He pointed out that the organization handed other members of Rajabi family similar orders few days ago. Wadi Hilweh Information Center explained that Rajabi family building at risk of being seized fall within the plan of Ateerat Cohanim to seize 5000 square meters from the area of “Batn Al-Hawa”. The plan was revealed by the center last May and claims that Yemen Jews owned the lands since 1881. The area is into 6 sections numbered 73, 75, 88, 95, 96 and 97. The settlement organization claim that the Israeli Supreme The center explained that the land has between 30-35 residential buildings where more than 80 families consisting of nearly 436 individuals live. All the residents have been living in the neighborhood for many years after buying the lands and property from their previous owners. Court acknowledged Yemen settlers’ ownership of the land of Batn Al-Hawa.