
Arresting Yazan Siam, beating him and assaulting him with pepper gas and deporting him from the Old City of Jerusalem
January 31, 2016

The occupation police released the 21-year old Yazan Siam after arresting, beating and assaulting him with pepper gas on conditions of deportation from the Old City of Jerusalem for 15 days and house-arrest for 5 days.

Siam explained that occupation police individuals stopped him near Dung Gate later Saturday night and checked his ID. While searching him, they insulted him and kicked him on his legs and he tried to move the policeman away from him; one policeman then sprayed him with pepper gas directly on his face.

Siam added that the police handcuffed him behind his back and beat him. They threatened him with the electric gun and transferred him to Al-Silsileh Gate police station. Inside the station, sever individuals attacked and assaulted him. He was later taken to Al-Buraq Square and was transferred to Al-Qishleh police station in a police vehicle where he was also assaulted and beat.

Siam also said that the police forced him to sit on his knees for three hours while his hands and legs were cuffed. When he was interrogated, he was accused of assaulting a policeman and obstructing police work. Siam denied the charges against him and explained to the interrogator how he was assaulted; signs of assault were clear on his face and hands.

The interrogator decided to release Siam on conditions of deportation from Jerusalem and house-arrest.