
The occupation arrests a child and two young men
June 23, 2016

The occupation forces arrested on Thursday afternoon a child and a young man from the Old City of Jerusalem under the pretext of assaulting a settler.

Wadi Hilweh Information Center was informed that the occupation forces arrested 13-year old Mohammad Ashraf Kufor Ani and 36-year old Munther Castero from the Old City of Jerusalem under the pretext of assaulting a settler.

Mohammad Kufor Ani explained to the lawyer who visited him at the police station that the settler insulted him while he was walking in Al-Wad Street in the Old City which resulted in verbal altercation between both of them during which a borders control individual came and arrested him.

Caster explained that he had just left Al-Aqsa Mosque when he witnessed the alteration between the child and the settler. He tried to break it up and ended up being arrests.

The forces a\also arrested 18-year old Shawkat Mahmoud Abdelrahman from Shu’fat refugee camp.