
After 5 months of actual imprisonment and house-arrest, acquitting a child from the charges against him
June 23, 2016

The Magistrate judge acquitted 15-year old Mohammad Daoud Hadreh from the charges against him after he had under house-arrest and actual imprisonment for the last five months. ;

Lawyer Mohammad Mahmoud explained that the judge acquitted his client Mohammad Hadreh from charges of throwing stones towards Israeli police and participating in clashes in the village of Al-Tur after hearing the testimonies of three policemen who arrested the child; clear contradictions were revealed in the testimonies.

Lawyer Mahmoud pointed out that his client was arrested on 28/1/2016 while heading to school in Al-Tur on charges of throwing stones. After being detained for two weeks at Al-Maskobyeh police center, he was released with a bail and on condition of open house-arrest until completing the legal procedures against him.

The child’s father explained that his son has been under house arrest for 5 months and was banned from going to school and was deprived from the freedom of movement. His parents were forced to stay with him at all times while under house-arrest.

He added that his son was arrested at the beginning of the second school semester. He is in 9th grade and it is possible that he would miss a whole school year because of the long absence due to the house-arrest imposed on him.

He pointed out that the occupation forces were raiding his house every three days to ensure his son was home. They would deliberately raid their home in the early morning hours which would create a state of tension and fear among the child in the house.

Hadreh added that his son Mohammad was subject to severe beating during the arrest and was injured with several bruises and wounds due to being assaulted by batons and the butts of the forces’ guns.