
The occupation forces arrest 9 Jerusalemites and assault the residents of Oqbat Al-Khaldyeh in the Old City of Jerusalem
July 24, 2016

The occupation forces arrested 9 Jerusalemites and injured several others during a raid on the neighborhood of Oqbat Al-Khaldyeh in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Lawyer Mohammad Mahmoud explained that the Israeli forces arrested Rashid Samir Risheq (17), Ahmad Yaccoub Salaymeh (16), Ahmad Risheq (27), Rami Zaki Baytouni (31), Ali Mousa Abu Asab (45), Mohammad Jamal Akkawi and three others.

The lawyer added that bruises and signs of assault with pepper gas were obvious on most of the detainees who were transferred to Al-Qishelh police station in the Old City.

The residents of Oqbat Al-Khaldyeh explained that a group of settlers were in the area and provoked and pushed a young Jerusalemite man while passing in the area for no reason which led to the breakout of altercations between the two sides.

The residents added that the occupation soldiers and intelligence personnel raided the neighborhood in large numbers and were deployed in the streets and assaulted the locals with pepper gas and severely beat them not excluding anyone; they also stormed into several houses and assaulted the residents.

Rashid Risheq explained that the soldiers raided his house for no reason and sprayed his 63-year old wife Fawzyeh with pepper gas causing her to lose consciousness. They arrested his grandson Rashid and his son Ahmad from inside the house and assaulted and beat them.

The soldiers also stormed into the houses of Abu Asab, Salaymeh and Dayeh families.

Ahmad Abu Asab was wounded in his head during the assault. After receiving treatment, he headed to the police station to complain about the assault so he was arrested.