
Extensions of arrest…releases…prison sentences
November 21, 2017

The Magistrate judge extended the arrest of Aseel Hassouneh, Mus’ab Abbas and Issam Khatib until 27/11/2017.

The Prisoners Club lawyer, Mufeed Al-Hajj, explained that the judge extended the arrest of Hassouneh and the two young men pending investigation for one week. 

Lawyer Al-Hajj added that the judge also decided to release Hatem Abdel Qader, Official of Jerusalem file in Fateh movement, and Arafat Mustafa on condition of house-arrest until 27/11/2017 and a 200-NIS bail for each.

On the other hand, the Jerusalemite Basel A’bed turned himself to the police on Tuesday night after requesting him for interrogation. 

The occupation authorities also released Abed Abu Sbeih, member of Fateh Movement, on condition of house-arrest for one week, and Fawzi Sha’ban, head of the Silwan Institutions Association, on condition of house-arrest for 5 days. 

It is noteworthy that the occupation police arrested 17 Jerusalemites including 8 girls. 

Lawyer Mohammad Mahmoud explained that the judge recently sentenced Ali Mheisen and Jamal Za’tari for 7 months of actual imprisonment while Seif Abu Jom’a was sentenced for 14 months and a 2500-NIS fine.