
Pictures: A Martyr in the village of Anata, injuries and arrests in the area of Damascus Gate
December 15, 2017

On Friday night, Basel Mustafa Ibrahim from the village of Anata in Jerusalem was martyred while dozens of Palestinians were injured with wounds and bruises during protests and marches organized in the city of Jerusalem against Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The Ministry of Health announced the martyrdom of a young man from the village of Anata due to wounds sustained during clashes that broke out in the village on Friday.

According to the ministry, Basel Ibrahim from Anata was martyred inside the Palestinian Medical Complex in Ramallah, where he was receiving treatment after being shot in the chest during clashes in the village on Friday.

In the city of Jerusalem, the Israeli occupation forces severely beat hundreds of demonstrators and sprayed them with pepper gas after participating in a march that initiated from Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Wadi Hilweh Information Center said that the Israeli occupation forces suppressed a march that initiated from Al-Aqsa Mosque towards the Old City of Jerusalem and Damascus Gate near Al-Wad Street. The forces severely beat the participants and sprayed them with pepper gas pushing them away towards Lions Gate and the Old City. Dozens were able to pass through the metal barricades and headed towards Damascus Gate where other barricades were laid and soldiers were deployed in another attempt to prevent the citizens from gathering and demonstrating in the place, but they managed to cross the barricades and continue to walk to the courtyard of Damascus Gate.

The center added that the forces forcibly evacuated citizens from the courtyard of Damascus Gate, and beat several of them using police dogs.

The center also explained that many women, young men and men were injured, bruised, and suffered from suffocation and fainting due to the severe beatings they were subjected to, as well as the indiscriminate spraying of gas towards them.

The center added that the occupation forces have placed metal barriers at the entrances of Damascus Gate and in its courtyard since the morning hours to prevent the gathering of citizens. A group of women insisted on staying in one corner of the courtyard of Damascus Gate and chanted national songs and cheers for more than 3 hours continuously, while the forces suppressed and beat them before night time, then chased them and pushed them away from the upper street of Damascus Gate.

Women explained that the soldiers used an iron piece to beat them and drive them away.

The center added that the forces attacked and beat a blind young girl and forced her out of the courtyard of Damascus Gate.

The occupation forces also attacked Jerusalemites in Sultan Suleiman Street and Nablus Street and Al-Musrara.
On Friday, the occupation forces arrested 10 Jerusalemites, including a boy with fractures in his foot and walking with crutches.

Violent clashes broke out in Shu’fat Refugee Camp following a march from the center of Anata village towards the checkpoint at the entrance to the camp.