
For the seventh consecutive week…A sit-in in Jerusalem against Trump’s decision…injuries and arrests
January 20, 2018

For the seventh week in a row, the national forces in Jerusalem organized a sit-in in Salah Al-Din Street in the city, rejecting Trump’s decision to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel and on the eve of Trump's deputy (vice president Mike Pence) visit to the region. The occupation forces suppressed the participants with sound grenades, beatings and pushing in an attempt to silence the Jerusalemite voice.

Wadi Hilweh Information Center reported that the Israeli occupation forces injured seven Jerusalemites in their limbs with shrapnel of sound grenades, including photographer Fayez Abu Rmeileh (shrapnel in his leg), a child and two women, according to field medical staff.

The Israeli occupation forces arrested Abed Barbar and beat him, and took him for interrogation at the police station in Salah Al-Din Street.

The occupation forces also confiscated Palestinian flags that were raised during the sit-in.