
The Supreme Court agrees to reduce the prison sentence of a Jerusalemite girl
January 22, 2018

The Israeli Supreme Court reduced the prison sentence previously issued against 16-year old Rama Abdellatif after the lawyer of Wadi Hilweh Information Center filed an appeal to reduce her prison sentence.

Lawyer Mohammad Mahmoud explained that the Supreme Court reduced Rama’ prison sentence to 8 months, and she has to turn herself-in on 4/2/2018 to serve her sentence.

Lawyer Mahmoud said the District Court sentenced Rama Abdellatif for 14 months in prison after convicting her of “possession of a knife”. He then filed an appeal to the Supreme Court to reduce the sentence and it was approved. The lawyer pointed out that the Israeli intelligence refused to sentence the girl to “public service” instead of actual imprisonment.

The lawyer also added that the Supreme Court suggested detaining the girl inside an internal institution but her father refused.

Rama was arrested in February 2016 and was released on conditions of house-arrest and deportation from the city of Jerusalem to the village of Ein Naquba.