
Occupation forces arrest two women and two young men from Salah Al-Din Street in Jerusalem
March 11, 2020

On Wednesday evening, the occupation forces arrested two women and two young men from in front of Salah Al-Din Street police station in Jerusalem.

Eyewitnesses reported to Wadi Hilweh Information Center that the occupation forces stopped a vehicle as it passed from Salah Al-Din Street, to arrest the passengers that were from the Obeid family from the village of Issawiya; among them were women. During the gathering of young men in the area to prevent the arrest of women, the occupation forces assaulted them with severe beatings and pushing.

Witnesses added that the occupation forces moved the youthsaway from the car by force, and carried out the arrests.

The forces arrested Mohammad Bassam Obeid, his mother and sister, Mohammad Mubtasem Obeid.

The public prosecution filed an indictment to the District Court against the Jerusalemite prisoner Sanad Al-Torman, which included charges of "running over Israeli soldiers in West Jerusalem and injuring them”.

The occupation forces arrested Al-Torman more than a month ago, and he was subjected to harsh investigations.