
Prisoners' institutions: The occupation forces arrested (413) Palestinians during the month of November 2020
December 12, 2020

The Israeli occupation forces continued to arrest Palestinians, and according to the monitoring and follow-up carried out by the institutions, the occupation forces arrested (413) Palestinians from the occupied Palestinian territory during the month of November 2020, including (49) children, and (7) women.

The Prisoners' and Human Rights Institutions (Prisoners Affairs Authority, Palestinian Prisoners Club, Al-Dameer Institution for Prisoner Care and Human Rights Foundation, and Wadi Hilweh Information Center - Silwan) noted in a factsheet issued on Saturday, that the occupation authorities arrested (157) citizens from Jerusalem, (40) citizens from Ramallah and Al-Bireh, (74) from Hebron, and (31) from Jenin,(33) from Bethlehem, (30) from Nablus, and (18) from Tulkarem, (18) from Qalqilya, (3) from Jericho, (7) from Tubas, (1) from Salfit, in addition to one citizen from Gaza.

Thus, the number of Palestinian prisoners and detainees in the occupation prisons during the month of November 2020 reached nearly (4,400) prisoners, of whom (41) were female prisoners, while the number of children detainees reached about (170), and administrative detainees reached about (380). The number of administrative detention orders issued was (102), including (41) new orders and (55) extension orders.

* The report issued by the institutions includes a monitoring of the most important policies of the occupation that it implemented against prisoners and detainees during the month of November 2020 such as the collective punishment, transforming the Corona pandemic into a tool of repression and abuse against prisoners, deliberate medical negligence (slow killing), and Jerusalem, which is facing the highest rate of arrests per month, and systematic harassment and retaliation.