
In March 2021, the occupation authorities arrested (438) Palestinians, including (93) minors and (8) women.
April 7, 2021

Prisoners’ Institutions:

The Israeli occupation authorities continued systematic arrests of Palestinian citizens, which affected all groups, and continued to implement a number of their systematic abuse policies, and their systematic violations of the rights of prisoners and detainees guaranteed by international conventions and norms. A number of cases emerged during March 2021. We review it through cases monitored by the competent institutions in the prisoners’ affairs.


According to the follow-up of human rights institutions related to prisoners' affairs, the Israeli occupation forces arrested about (438) Palestinians during March 2021. Among them were (69) children and (11) women, and the number of administrative detention orders issued reached (105) orders, including (28) new orders and (75) renewals.


The Prisoners' Affairs and Human Rights Institutions (Prisoners Affairs Authority, Palestinian Prisoners Club, Al-Dameer Institution for Prisoner Care and Human Rights Foundation, and Wadi Hilweh Information Center - Silwan) indicated in a report issued on Wednesday, that the number of Palestinian prisoners and detainees in the occupation prisons reached about 4,450 prisoners at end of March 2021, including (37) females, while the number of children and minors in the occupation prisons reached about (140) children, and the number of administrative detainees reached about (440).

The report reviews a set of policies that the Israeli occupation continues to implement, including: the administrative arrest and the hunger strike to protest this policy as in the case of prisoner Emad al-Batran, the covid-19 pandemic and prisoners’ testimonies after contracting the virus, the medical neglect (slow killing) as in the case of several minors and prisoners, the policy of systematic arrests in Jerusalem including continuous summons, house-arrest and pursuit of any activities in Jerusalem.