
Arrests, assaults and suppression in Jerusalem
June 19, 2021

The occupation forces arrested 3 Palestinians from Damascus Gate area in Jerusalem, and assaulted those present with beating and wastewater.

Wadi Hilweh Information Center - Jerusalem stated that the occupation forces suppressed a Palestinian sit-in in the area of Damascus Gate in the city, evacuated those present from the place, then chased them towards the nearby streets, during which they assaulted women, girls and young men with batons, to prevent them from sitting in the Damascus Gate area.

The center added that the forces arrested TarekAl-Natsheh, and severely beat him during the arrest and detention inside the room established in the Damascus Gate area, and sprayed pepper gas directly on his face during that.

The forces also arrested two young women from the Damascus Gate area.

The forces sprayed wastewater extensively in Damascus Gate square, and the adjacent streets, and a passerby fell and was wounded in the foot.

In the town of Silwan, clashes erupted in the Bi’er Ayoub neighborhood, and the forces fired sound grenades and sprayed wastewater towards streets, homes and vehicles, and detained Louay al-Abbasi and subjected him to field investigation.

At Al-Qataneen Gate - one of the gates of Al-Aqsa - the forces arrested a young man after detaining him while he was leaving the mosque.