
Injuries and arrests…settlers assault the locals of Sheikh Jarrah
June 21, 2021


Late Monday night, settlers attacked Palestinians in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Jerusalem.

Saleh Diab - a member of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood committee - explained that the settlers present in seized building of Al-Ghawi family attacked the residents of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and those supporting them, with stones and throwing chairs at them.

Diab added that the forces sprayed waste water randomly in the neighborhood, and towards the houses.

The residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood explained that the police provided protection to the settlers and remained in the vicinity of the Al-Ghawi building, and only brought the settlers inside the yard of the building, without arresting or repressing any of them despite their throwing stones at the Palestinians when the events started and during the repression from the roof of the building.

The Palestinian Red Crescent issued a statement explaining that its crews dealt with 20 injuries during the occupation forces' attack on citizens in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, 16 with pepper gas, 4 with rubber bullets and beatings, and an elderly person was taken to hospital.

In its statement, the Red Crescent pointed out that settlers threw stones at an ambulance, and police forces sprayed waste water on another ambulance.

The forces arrested a number of young men from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, among whom were identified: Ahmed Abu Khdeir, Ahmad al-Natsheh, and Musa al-Atrash.

Clashes also erupted in Bi’er Ayoub neighborhood in Silwan, and the undercover unit (Musta’ribeen) arrested and beat Tamer Shweiki, and threw grenades and rubber bullets into the neighborhood.