
A self-demolition to residential apartments and a commercial facility
July 14, 2021

Recently, Jerusalemite families self-demolished their residential and commercial facilities in the city of Jerusalem, by decisions of the occupation municipality, under the pretext of building without a permit.

At dawn last Tuesday, the occupation authorities forced the family of Nassar al-Husseini to demolish 3 apartments, after refusing to freeze the demolition decision or postpone it for an additional period.

The family explained that the construction has been in place since 2013, and the municipality imposed on the family a “construction violation” fine of 40,000 shekels, then issued the final decision to demolish the property and forced the family to self-demolish it, otherwise its mechanisms would do so and impose a “fine / demolition fee” of 200,000 shekels.

The area of the construction is 120 meters, and the family divided it into 3 apartments; one for the elderly Aziza, the second for her family and her children, and the third for his son and his family.

Commercial facility

The municipality forced Issam Zahaika to self-demolish his commercial facility “a shop for selling building materials” in the Wadi Al-Hummus neighborhood in Sur Baher, and demanded that he remove the rubble from the ground.

Zahaika explained that the commercial store is a plot of land on which 3 counters for offices and merchandise are built, which were forced to be completely demolished, in addition to the demolition and leveling of the floor and the surrounding fences.

He explained that the municipality imposed on him a building fine of 180,000 shekels.

House demolition

In the middle of the "Gilo settlement", near the village of Beit Safafa, the municipality forced the Ziada family to self-demolish their house, knowing that it has been in place since 1963, and the family has lived in it for 27 years.

In early July, the family self-demolished a neighboring apartment, under the pretext of "building without a permit."

The family explained that after demolishing the new building, which had been in place for about 10 years, the municipality was informed of the completion of the demolition, and t family was surprised in the middle of last week that the forces stormed the house and demanded that they should complete the demolition.

The family explained that it went to the municipality to freeze the demolition decision, especially since the construction has been going on for decades, but it rejected the request, then went to the Supreme Court, which legalized the demolition and displacement, without any additional deadline.

The municipality imposed a building fine of 40,000 shekels on the family for the "new construction".