
Arrests – Extending the arrest of the freed prisoner Shweiki after 20 years in prison
February 7, 2022

On Monday evening, the occupation intelligence extended the arrest of a freed prisoner from the town of Silwan until Tuesday, and arrested two boys.

The lawyer of the Wadi Hilweh Information Center, Muhammad Mahmoud, explained that the occupation intelligence extended the detention of the young man, Ahmed Shweiki 34, until Tuesday, after he refused the conditions for his release, which consisted of deportation to the town of Al-Eizariya until Thursday, not to raise Islamic flags, and to sign a bail of 20 thousand shekels, in addition to not holding celebrations in the streets.

On Monday, the Negev prison administration released Shweiki after spending 20 years in prison; he was arrested when he was 14 years old.

On the other hand, the center's lawyer, Firas Al-Jabrini, stated that the forces arrested Muhammad Is’eed after storming his house in the Wadi Al-Joz neighborhood, and Ibrahim Al-Natsheh from the area of Damascus Gate, and extended their detention until Tuesday. They also arrested Zain Mawas from the village of Issawiya.

The center added that the police released the boy, Muhammad Dweik, on condition of house arrest for 5 days, after arresting him from his home in the village of Issawiya.

The forces also arrested the two young men, Mutasem Obeid and Ali Sufian Obeid, from Issawiya.