
Sheikh Jarrah…Settlers attack the residents and the police arrest 7 Palestinians
February 13, 2022

The occupation forces arrested 7 Palestinians from Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in the city of Jerusalem, coinciding with the settlers’ attacks on the residents with gas, beatings and insults.

The occupation forces suppressed the residents of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, the "western part", with bombs, rubber bullets, and pushing, forbidding them to leave their homes, and forcibly evacuating the neighborhood's streets, while allowing settlers to roam and move around the neighborhood.


Wadi Hilweh Information Center’s lawyer, Muhammad Mahmoud, explained that the forces arrested Malik Hamdan, Mu’taz Al-Haj Mahmoud, Muhammad Hamdan, Mahmoud Hamdan, Mutasem Abu Tayeh, and Ayman Abu Tayehfrom the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

The police also released another young man who was arrested from the neighborhood.

Ben Gavir's threats

Extremist Knesset member Itamar Ben Gavir announced late yesterday evening that he is planning to move his office to Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, under the pretext of "protecting settlers who are being attacked in the neighborhood... burning a house... burning vehicles."

Settlers storm the neighborhood

Dozens of settlers stormed the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood on Saturday evening, and stationed themselves by the home of the Salem family, which is "threatened with eviction." They were also on the family’s land opposite the house, during which they insulted the residents, threatened them, and danced and sang. Then more settlers stormed the neighborhood and were spread at its entrances and on the main street. Suddenly, they attacked the residents with stones and pepper gas, and then destroyed some vehicles.

During that, the forces threw sound bombs and rubber bullets at the residents to prevent their presence in the neighborhood, and the residents complained that the settlers who attacked them in front of the policewere not arrested.

The occupation police said in a statement that a settler was injured after being run over in the neighborhood, while a young man said after his arrest during the initial interrogation that he was sprayed with pepper gas by the settler.


Residents suffered severe suffocation and burns after being sprayed with pepper gas, including elderly people, women and children, and some young men were injured by shrapnel from sound bombs.

Steadfastness and presence

Despite repression, persecution, beatings and arrests, the residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood sat until the early hours of the morning in front of their homes to protect them from any attack by settlers.