
15 detainees from Al-Aqsa Mosque and its surroundings after the end of the Eid Prayer
June 28, 2023

On Wednesday, the Israeli forces arrested 15 Jerusalemites from Al-Aqsa and its surroundings after the end of the Eid al-Adha prayer, and the forces also stormed the mosque after the end of the prayer and raided the Bab al-Rahmeh chapel and assaulted the worshipers inside.

Siraj Abu Arafa, a lawyer for the Wadi Hilweh Information Center - Jerusalem, explained that the forces arrested 15 Jerusalemites from the Al-Aqsa Mosque and from its gates, and 3 of the detainees were released.

Lawyer Siraj Abu Arafa reported that the detainees were:

1. Issam Salhab

2. Ahmed Hashima

3. Mahmoud Da'dua

4. Ibrahim Ghaith

5. Amer Hamdan

6. Abdul Rahman Asmar

7. Khalid Abu Khdeir

8. Zain Abu Khdeir

9. Noor Abu Khdeir

10. Yamen Obeid

11. Jamal Obeid

12. Omar Al-Ajlouni

13. Anas Abu Sneineh

14. Ahmed Al-Sharif

15. Ahmed Abu Hmeidan