
Second day of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation in Jerusalem
October 8, 2023

On the second day of “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation, the occupation forces continued their suppression of Jerusalemites and imposed restrictions on movement in the city, and sporadic night confrontations broke out in most of the towns of Jerusalem.

The Wadi Hilweh Information Center - Jerusalem monitored the most prominent events in the city since the early morning hours of Sunday.

A strike

A comprehensive strike spread in the city of Jerusalem, in support of the Gaza Strip, and all commercial stores closed their doors except for bakeries and pharmacies, and the city’s streets, towns, and neighborhoods seemed almost empty.

Al-Aqsa Mosque

The occupation authorities continued to impose restrictions on the entry of worshipers to Al-Aqsa, from Sunday morning until the evening hours, by preventing women and men under the age of 50-60 from entering it. Several attacks of worshipers were recorded at the gates as they attempted to enter Al-Aqsa.

Inside Al-Aqsa, the forces assaulted two guards and a female guard, and forced them out of the mosque.

The forces also imposed restrictions on the work of the guards, by pursuing and trying to prevent them from working in the mosque.

Groups of settlers also stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque, during the periods of the incursions, guarded by the occupation forces, and called on the “temple groups” to organize daily raids on Al-Aqsa and not stop them, considering this to be the appropriate response to what is happening in the Gaza area, and the number of the intruders reached 76 extremists.

The worshipers performed the prayers at the thresholds of Al-Aqsa and in the alleys of the Old City, after they were prevented from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The forces also imposed restrictions on the entry of Palestinians into the Old City, by examining identities and conducting field investigations with young men, men and women, and subjected many to physical searches as they walked in the streets surrounding the Old City, and beat some of them.

Sheikh Jarrah

Settlers stormed the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, at dawn Sunday, and vandalized vehicles in the neighborhood, “smashing glass with sharp tools,” for the “Abu Jibneh, Abu Sbeih, Salah, and Sharaf” families.

Around the clock, the settlers roamed the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, deliberately directing insults, and obscene movements at the people and residents.


The special forces and police set up their checkpoints in the streets of the city and at the entrances to neighborhoods and towns, especially “Street No. 1”, Beit Hanina, Shu’fat, Issawiya, Al-Tur and the road leading to the Shu’fat refugee camp. At the checkpoints, the forces stopped vehicles, searched them, and conducted an investigation with the passengers.

The occupation forces also continued to close the checkpoints established at the entrances to the city.


On Sunday evening, clashes broke out in the towns of the city, Issawiya, Silwan, Shu’fat refugee camp, Jabal Al-Mukabber, Sur Baher, Al-Tur, and Wad Al-Joz.

The forces used live bullets, rubber bullets, and sound and gas bombs during the confrontations.

After midnight, the forces stormed homes in the Bab Hutta neighborhood in the Old City of Jerusalem, beat and arrested residents, stormed the Al-Qirami neighborhood, and assaulted residents.

They also stormed the Al-Gharableh neighborhood in Beit Hanina, and arrested two young men.

The occupation forces chased the young man, Sa’di Sidr, while he was walking on Salah al-Din Street to the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, after he said, “God is Great,” and severely beat the young man, directing blows to the head, neck, and face, which resulted in some of his teeth being broken.


Since Sunday morning, the occupation forces have carried out various arrests in the city of Jerusalem, and some of them have been identified as:

1. Nidal Sha’ban

2. Dia’ Ghosheh

3. Thaer Abu Sarah

4. Mohammad Barakat

5. Mohammad Hijazi

6. Mouath Sdoudi

7. Amin Sub Laban

8. Issam Abu Diab

9. Majd Khaled Sharifa

10. Radwan Sharifa

11. Mohammad Khaled Sharifa

12. Mohammad Mazen Sharifa

13. Yazan Al-Banna

14. Mustafa Burqan

15. Mahmoud Gharableh

16. Fahmi Farroukh

17. Sa’di Sider

18. Samer Al-Safadi

19. Ibrahim Taha

20. Ahmed Othman