
Pictures: The occupation detains worshippers’ busses and arrests two drivers and a woman
March 24, 2016

The occupation authorities detained on Thursday afternoon dozens of worshippers near Lions’ Gate after leaving Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Wadi Hilweh Information Center WHIC was informed that the occupation forces and Israeli Intelligence were waiting for the worshippers near Lions’ Gate Road. When the worshippers were loaded, the forces stormed into the busses and checked the IDs of all passengers.

Ahmad Jouri, a worshipper, explained to WHIC that the forces stopped the two busses and checked the IDs of all passengers and forced everybody except for the drivers to leave the busses for no reason.

Jouri added that the forces detained the busses and arrested the drivers and Jamilah Ayoub and took them to an unknown place.

The occupation authorities had obstructed the entrance of worshippers to Al-Aqsa Mosque earlier in the morning and detained them near Lions’ Gate for some time and allowed them in afterwards; some were searched.

The forces also established iron barriers at Al-Aqsa Gates and forced men listed in the “black list” (prohibited from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque) to leave the area of Lions’ Gate.

The Israeli forces also arrested Fatina Hussein from the area of Lions’ Gate and extended the arrest of Hanadi Halawani until Sunday.