
Pictures: Clashes in Silwan and Esawyeh and targeting residents with sound grenades and rubber bullets
June 29, 2016

Violent clashes broke out on Wednesday night in the neighborhood of Ein Al-Lozeh in Silwan and the occupation forces raided the village of Esawyeh.


Wadi Hilweh Information Center explained that the occupation forces were deployed in the neighborhood of Ein Al-Lozeh around 10 p.m. and deliberately provoked the locals and pedestrians and checked young men’s IDs resulting in the breakout of violent clashes in the area.

The locals explained that the forces used live ammunition, rubber bullets, sound grenades, tear-gas canisters and wastewater during the clashes that lasted until after midnight. Young men responded with Molotov Cocktails and firecrackers towards the infantry units and the forces closed the road leading to the neighborhood of Bi’er Ayoub and closed the Main Street and side the sub-street of Ein Al-Lozeh resulting in heavy traffic jams in the area.

The residents of Ein Al-Lozeh explained that the forces targeted their homes with wastewater, sound grenades and rubber bullets.

The residents also complained about the occupation police closing the road of Dung Gate in order to allow Israeli busses to pass through in the wrong direction which also created heavy traffic jams in the area.


The occupation forces raided the village of Esawyeh on Wednesday night and randomly fired sound grenades and rubber bullets.

Mohammad Abu Hummus, member of follow-up committee in the village, explained that dozens of soldiers were deployed in the streets of the village before the Evening Prayer (time to break the fast) and deliberately provoke the locals resulting in the breakout of violent clashes. The forces fired sound grenades and rubber bullets and detained a child for several minutes.

The forces arrested 55-year old Mohammad Alayan from in front of his house in the village.

On Wednesday early morning, the forces arrested three children from the village of Esawyeh, they are: Yazan Tarwa (17), Ahmad Zaher Tarwa (16) and Nidal Mohammad Ghannam (16).