
The Jerusalemite child Yazan Husseini…deportation to Akko and detention inside an internal institution
November 18, 2017

“I miss my parents, brothers and my house in Jerusalem”. Those were the words of 13-year old Yazan Mohammad Husseini who is deported to the city of Akko in northern Palestine and where he is being detained inside an internal institution following an order from the occupation authorities.

Since last April, Yazan has been detained, deported and under house-arrest on charges of “making weapons and throwing Molotov Cocktails towards a settlement outpost in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem; his case is still in court.

Mohammad Husseini, Yazan’s father, explained to Wadi Hilweh Information Center that his son is deported to the city of Akko and detained inside an internal institution…An institution that is like a prison with high walls, guards on its gates, restrictions on visitation, movement and reports that are handed over to the court by its officials. Leaving the institution is prohibited and only allowed by a court order.

Husseini explained that his son was arrested in late April after breaking into his house in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. He was interrogated and released several hours later on condition of house-arrest until completing the legal proceedings against him. He was not allowed to leave the house for any reason and was not allowed to attend his school which only had two months before the end of the school year; he was in 8th grade.

His father added that he was transferred to an internal institution in Akko after about two months of confinement in his home. He is able to study and learn a profession, but his detention worries his family, especially that many children are detained on criminal cases such as thefts, drugs, etc…

The Husseini family misses its son Yazan at all times and miss his presence with the family especially on social occasions. His mother says: "The first day was the beginning of the month of Ramadan. We missed him and we cried a lot because he was not there. He was prevented from attending his brother's engagement...The institution is far from us and we visit him every month, pointing out that the visit is allowed every two weeks, but distance prevents them from visiting him every two weeks.