
Arresting leaders of Fateh and 6 Jerusalemite girls
November 21, 2017

The occupation forces arrested on Tuesday early morning six Jerusalemite girls and Hatem Abdel Qader, a leader in Fateh movement, after raiding their homes in the city of Jerusalem.

Wadi Hilweh Information Center was informed that the occupation forces arrested four girls from the village of Esawyeh, Old City of Jerusalem and Beit Hanina.

The forces also arrested the official of the Jerusalem file in the Fatah movement Hatem Abdel Qader, as reported by Amjad Abu Asab, head of the Committee of the families of the prisoners of Jerusalem.

Witnesses explained to Wadi Hilweh Information Center that intelligence personnel raided the African Quarter- near Al-Majles Gate- (one of Al-Aqsa gates) in the Old City of Jerusalem and arrested Ru’a Balaleh and Mais Firawi, Ali Firawi and Abdel Muttaleb Abu Sbeih.

The forces also arrested Rawan Mousa Mustafa and her brother Arafat from the village of Esawyeh.

Amjad Abu Asab explained that the forces arrested Dima Adnan Natsheh (18) from the neighborhood of Beit Hanina, and Aseel Hassouneh, Mus’ab Abbas, Issam Mohammad Khatib, Fawzi Sha’ban and his daughter Ghayda’.

Late Tuesday night, the forces arrested Zuheir Rajabi from Silwan, head of Batn Al-Hawa Committee, after assaulting young men with grenades and pepper gas.