
Pictures- Suppressing a march in the Old City of Jerusalem…arrests…clashes
December 22, 2017

For the third consecutive Friday, activities continued in the city of Jerusalem refusing Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Wadi Hilweh Information Center explained that a mass march started from Al-Aqsa Mosque after the end of the Friday Prayer, and toured the courtyards of the mosque and exited through Al-Majles Gate towards Damascus Gate, but the occupation forces attacked the worshipers upon their arrival to Al-Wad Street and blocked the street with iron barriers and prevented their progress.

The center added that the Israeli occupation forces assaulted and severely beat the participants in the march as well as dozens of worshipers who were walking in the area. The occupation forces did not exclude the women, the elderly or the children who were in the area, pointing out that the forces surrounded hundreds of citizens in the area of Al-Wad before rerouting all of them towards Lions Gate and some of the alleys of the Old City and prevented them from reaching Damascus Gate.

The soldiers also assaulted the journalists and prevented them from being in the area.

The Israeli occupation forces stormed some shops and houses in the area and prevented the citizens from taking shelter in the area, forcing them to leave. Most of them were women and old people.

The center added that the Israeli occupation forces beat a group of foreign worshipers, who showed their passports to tell the troops that they don’t know the side roads and tried to inquire about the road out of the Old City.

The occupation forces continued to establish iron barriers on the steps of Damascus Gate and in its courtyards to prevent any marches or sit-ins, and deployed their forces including Special Forces and officers in the area; they assaulted two women while sitting on the stairs.

The occupation forces arrested Ghada Zghayyar after she was taken out of Damascus Gate. She was then released on condition of isolation from Damascus Gate and Salah Al-Din Street for 5 days. The Prisoners Club lawyer, Mufeed Al-Hajj, explained that Hala Abu Gharbieh was wounded in the head due to being pushed against stones while being evacuated from the area of Damascus Gate.

In the village of Silwan, the 50-year old Issam Ibrahim Maragha was injured by a sound grenade in his leg during a raid on Ein Al-Lozeh.

The center explained that Maragha was transferred to Al-Maqased hospital for treatment and required 8 stitches.


On Friday afternoon, the forces arrested Mohammad Da’na.

In the village of Esawyeh, violent clashes broke out between young men and the occupation forces that fired sound grenades and rubber bullets to disperse the young men.




On Friday night, the occupation forces arrested 4 Turkish citizens from the Old City of Jerusalem after preventing them from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque through Al-Qataneen Gate,


Witnesses explained to Wadi Hilweh Information Center that the forces prevented a group of Turks from entering Al-Aqsa under the pretext of wearing shirts with the Turkish flag on them. When they came back wearing white shirts, they were prevented again and were assaulted and beaten for no reason. The forces arrested one of them and minutes later arrested the other three.

Lawyer Al-Hajj explained that the occupation intelligence extended the arrest of the Turkish citizens until Saturday.


The forces also arrested photographer Amin Siam, Rami Obeidat and a young man from Uzbekistan while suppressing the march at Al-Wad Street.