Pictures: A Jerusalemite self-demolishes his house in Silwan
On Wednesday evening, Jamal Hadiaself-demolished his house in Al-Thori neighborhood in the village of Silwan following a decision by the Israeli occupation court, and in order to avoid paying fines and demolition fees for the municipality's staff.
Jamal Hadia explained to Wadi Hilweh Information Center that the Israeli occupation court recently issued a decision to demolish the house and gave him until the 26th of this month to execute the demolition. Otherwise, the municipality staff will demolish the house and he has to pay the cost and the demolition fee, which is between 100 and 120 thousand shekels.
Hadia added that his house was established 25 years ago. Five years ago, he was surprised by the decision to demolish the house under the pretext of building without a permit. In the past years, he tried to obtain a permit, and was to postpone the demolition several times through courts, which finally issued an order to demolish the house, and the municipality rejected the file to license it.
Hadia said that several days ago he emptied the house and his family of nine individuals left in order to execute the demolition.
The house is 90 square meters in size.
In a related context, the Israeli municipality demolished an apartment in the village of Al-Tur for Abu Sbitan family, located within a residential building.
The center learned that the municipality staff stormed the apartment, which is a "roof / fifth floor" and demolished it using hand-demolition tools.