
Arresting 7 Jerusalemites…including children
June 12, 2019

On Wednesday evening, the Israeli occupation forces arrested seven Jerusalemites from the city

Wadi Hilweh Information Center’s lawyer for minors, Mohammed Mahmoud, said that the Israeli forces arrested seven Jerusalemites, and turned them to investigationat Salah Al-Din Streetpolice station. Most of the detainees were from the village of Issawiya, in addition to a detainee from Shu’fat refugee camp who was arrested from the area of Damascus Gate, and another from Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

Lawyer Mahmoud added that the detainees are: Mahmoud Issam Shanti, 15, Wadi' Murad Suleiman, 13, Yassin Manasra, 11, Jihad Fares Ghatit, 17, Amir Mohammad Salhiya, 17, Salah Al-Din Ayoub Abu Al-Hummos, 15, and Yazan Al-Sharif.