
Arresting the Minister of Jerusalem…and the police place conditions on the releasing of Martyr Obeid’s body
June 30, 2019

On Sunday morning, the Israeli occupation forces arrested Fadi Hidmi, the Minister of Jerusalem, after storming his house in Al-Sowaneh neighborhood in Jerusalem.

Mohannad Jbara, the minister's lawyer, said the investigation was based on the Israeli police's claim that Hidmi violated the Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem last week, as he accompanied the president of Chile on a tour to Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Lawyer Jbara said: “It is clear that the arrest came because of pressure exerted by the right in recent days against the Israeli government following the last tour conducted by Minister Hidmi with the Chilean president at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and because of the Israeli elections and an attempt to please the extreme right."


For the second day in a row, the Israeli occupation forces launched a series of arrests in the village of Issawiya targeting relatives of the Martyr Mohammed Samir Obeid.

Mohammed Abu Hummos, member of the follow-up committee in Issawiya, said that the occupation forces arrested: Fouad Obeid (a paramedic), Mahmoud Asem Obeid, Mahmoud Isam Obeid, Mohammed Saeed Obeid, Mahmoud Mohammed Obeid and Faiq Habash.

Conditions to release the body of Martyr Obeid

The lawyer of the Prisoners and Detainees Affairs, Mohammad Mahmoud, said that the Israeli police informed him of its consent to conduct an autopsy to the body of Mohammed Samir Obeid in the presence of a Palestinian doctor.

The lawyer added that the police stipulated that the body should be buried in the cemetery of Salah Al-Din Street in the evening with the presence of only 50 people. No flags and banners during the funeral and the burial must be in the evening. They also conditioned the family to pay NIS 25 thousand to guarantee commitment to the conditions.

The lawyer Mahmoud denied all the conditions for the releasing of the body.