
Shu’fat refugee camp- Armed and violent clashes…arrests…strip-searching young men
March 30, 2020

Violent clashes broke out in Shu’fat refugee camp after hundreds of Musta’ribeen individuals(undercover police), special forces, intelligence and police dogs’ unit stormed the camp, and arrested 9 people including a woman, while injuring several young men.

Sources from Shu’fat camp explained that Musta’ribeen individuals stormed the camp, which led to an armed clash between them and the young men, and then the forces surrounded a residential building, and demanded that the young men surrender themselves and their weapons immediately, while helicopters hovered over the camp to monitor and photograph the movements. Meanwhile, large numbers of forces continued storming the camp and closed the area, and prevented ambulances from reaching it.

Eyewitnesses added that the occupation forces arrested 9 individuals from the camp, the first was arrested after he was shot in his hand, and the rest were arrested after searching them and forcing them to strip all their clothes except for the underwear, and the forces deliberately walked them in the streets and alleys of the camp without clothes.

The witnesses added that the forces took the detainees to the military checkpoint located at the entrance of the camp, and detained them inside one of the rooms.

The witnesses indicated that the forces deliberately fired gas grenades in the camp, and threatened residents of beating and storming their homes if they were standing by the windows of their homes.

As for the residents, they denounced the unjustified intrusion into the occupation forces, and asked where are the measures taken and the decisions of the Israeli Ministry of Health from this intrusion, especially the large numbers of forces without the slightest safeguard measures (gathering them without spacing distances, without wearing gloves and without masks) as well as intruding, arresting and searching the youth and taking them together collectively in a small room. "The witnesses added that the forces took the detainees to the military checkpoint located at the entrance to the camp, and detained them inside one of the rooms.

The witnesses indicated that the forces deliberately threw heavy gas bombs at the camp, and threatened residents of beating and storming their homes if they were present on the windows of their homes.

As for the residents, they denounced the unjustified raid, and questioned the measures taken and the decisions of the Israeli Ministry of Health in preventing the spread of the corona virus while the occupation forces conduct such raids, especially the large numbers without the slightest safeguard measures (not leaving distance between each other, without wearing gloves and without masks), as well as storming, arresting and searching the young men and detaining all of them together in a small room.