
Al-Sowaneh…Arresting the Minister of Jerusalem Affairs
April 3, 2020


On Friday morning, the Israeli occupation forces arrested the Minister of Jerusalem Affairs, Fadi Al-Hidmi, after storming and sabotaging his house in Al-Sowaneh neighborhood in Jerusalem.

Wadi Hilweh Information Center learned that the occupation forces stormed the house of the Minister of Jerusalem Affairs after besieging it and breaking its external and internal doors. During the raid, which was accompanied by dogs, the house was searched and many of its contents were destroyed, and the forces confiscated 10,000 shekels.

The occupation intelligence also pushed the minister during the arrest operation.

After several hours, the occupation authorities released the Minister on the condition that "he does not work for the Palestinian Authority in Jerusalem and does not wander in the city for 14 days".The investigation focused on working within the Palestinian government program to prevent the spread of corona virus in the city, which was considered by the occupation as a violationto the laws and sovereignty of the Israeli government over Jerusalem - as explained by the Israeli authorities.

The occupation authorities forced Minister Al-Hidmi to wear a contaminated mask with traces of blood on it.