
Extending the arrest of the wounded boy Mohammad Abu Qteish until Thursday…details of his health condition
October 23, 2022

On Sunday, the Magistrate's Court extended the detention of the wounded 16-year-old boy, Mohammad Rajab Abu Qteish, until Thursday.

The lawyer of the Wadi Hilweh Information Center - Jerusalem, Firas Al-Jabrini, stated that the police extended the detention f the wounded boy during an absentee session, pointing out that he was transferred from Hadassah Issawiya Hospital to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.

Al-Jabrini added that he was able to visit the boy this evening at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, where he is in the intensive care unit.

In regards to the health condition of the boy, Abu Qteish, he explained that his health condition improved, as he regained consciousness and was able to talk.

Lawyer Al-Jabrini pointed out that despite his injury, the boy had iron handcuffs on his left hand and right foot.

Lawyer Al-Jabrini added that he went in the morning to visit the boy at Hadassah Issawiya Hospital, but the intelligence refused, so he submitted another request and was able to obtain it and visit him in the evening hours after he was transferred to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.

The lawyer of the Wadi Hilweh Information Center Al-Jabrini explained that the boy, Mohammad Abu Qteish, was hit by a single bullet in the upper part of the body, "in the right lung," and the bullet penetrated his body.