
Desecration of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa on the anniversary of the so-called “Jerusalem Unification Day”
May 18, 2023

"Prayers for the settlers... dances, singing, and drums... Israeli flags... racist banners... attacks on Jerusalemites with beatings, insults, and obscene movements." This is the most prominent scene in the city of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, on Thursday, on the anniversary of the occupation of the eastern part of the city in 1967, according to the Hebrew calendar, and it is called " Jerusalem Unification Day."

In view of the complete desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the city of Jerusalem by the settlers, Jerusalemites were suppressed by beating and arrest, and by preventing them from entering Al-Aqsa or sitting and being in the Damascus Gate area and the nearby streets, and by preventing them from raising the Palestinian flag, and forcing merchants to close their shops in the afternoon hours, coinciding with the flags march.

In commemoration of the so-called "Jerusalem Unification Day", the massive incursions into Al-Aqsa were organized in the morning and afternoon incursions. The most prominent event on this day was the "flag dance march", and the end of this day was with prayers and celebrations in Al-Buraq Square.

Al-Aqsa Mosque

The occupation authorities imposed a siege on Al-Aqsa from the dawn hours until three in the afternoon, as they spread out at its gates and in its yards, and prevented those under the age of 50 from entering it, and expelled young men from the squares.

1,262 settlers stormed Al-Aqsa, “922 in the morning and 339 in the afternoon,” among them the minister of the Negev and the Galilee in the occupation government, members of Knesset for the Likud party, rabbis, and dozens of officials of extremist Temple organizations.

The intruders performed prayers in Al-Aqsa, and some of them performed the "National Anthem" inside Al-Aqsa, including members of the Knesset, and some insulted the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and one of the settlers raised the Israeli flag in the mosque, while some settlers pasted posters in the eastern area of Al-Aqsa that carried the Israeli flag and the phrase, "The Temple Mount is in our hands."

The occupation forces arrested one of the guards of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and assaulted some worshipers inside.

Flags dance

Since noon, individual settler marches roamed the streets of East Jerusalem, while the central march took place on Thursday afternoon, which started from "Jan Saker" Park in West Jerusalem to the Al-Buraq Wall, passing through the area of Jaffa Street, Jaffa Gate, New Gate, Damascus Gate, and Al-Wad Street. Ministers in the occupation government and Knesset members participated in it.

The settlers carried Israeli flags and racist slogans, and during the march they chanted slogans against Arabs and Muslims, "Death to the Arabs...we want to kill you...insults against the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him" and other slogans, in addition to the obscene movements.

Dozens of settlers attacked the press crews, with stones, bottles, empty cans, and cans filled with stones, dirt, alcohol, and flag sticks, injuring many of them with various bruises.

Before the settlers arrived in large numbers in the Old City, and while the young men were walking in its streets, dozens of settlers severely beat and insulted them.

In Salah El-Din Street, three Jerusalemite women raised the Palestinian flag, and the police pursued them and arrested Mrs. Elham Noman, and also pursued those present in the place to disperse them.

In Al-Sowaneh neighborhood, a "settlers' march" was launched in conjunction with the central flags march, and during that clashes erupted in the neighborhood, as young men confronted them.


Late Thursday evening, clashes broke out in the towns of Al-Tur, Silwan, and Shu’fat refugee camp.

Friday marches

On Friday morning, the settlers held marches at the gates of the Old City, Al-Aqsa Mosque, and in the town of Silwan, during which they raised Israeli flags and directed insults against Arabs and Muslims.

During that, clashes broke out with the youths, especially in the Damascus Gate and Lions Gate areas, and the forces fired sound bombs.

In the Lions Gate area, the forces heavily fired sound bombs and assaulted worshipers as they were on their way to perform prayers at Al-Aqsa.