
A series of arrests in Silwan
July 27, 2016

The occupation forces carried out a series of arrested on Wednesday early morning in the village of Silwan and arrested dozens of young men and children.

Wadi Hilweh Information Center was informed that occupation forces and intelligence personnel raided the neighborhoods of Silwan after midnight and were deployed at the entrances before executing dozens of arrests including freed prisoners. During the raid, the forces also searched several houses and damaged their contents.

Lawyer Mohammad Mahmoud explained to Wadi Hilweh Information Center that the Israeli forces transferred the detainees to Salah Eddin Street police station and Al-Maskobyeh, they are:

  1. Emran Amer Abu Sbeih, 14
  2. Mohammad Issa Qutob, 14
  3. Ibrahim Tamer Dandis, 16
  4. Mohammad Salaymeh, 15
  5. Mohammad Yousef Sharaf, 17
  6. Sharif Emad Abu Mayaleh, 17
  7. Taha Fawzi Abu Tayeh, 17
  8. Jihad Nader Bazlameet, 17
  9. Odai Samer Abu Tayeh, 17
  10. Ammar Issa Atyeh, 17
  11. Malek Abed Hamdan, 19
  12. Mutasem Mohammad Abu Tayeh, 21
  13. Riad Basem Abu Diab, 39
  14. Karim Ishaq Abu Tayeh, 28
  15. Mohammad Ibrahim Awwad, 33
  16. Ahmad Tamer Dandis, 18
  17. Ayoub Mousa Abbasi, 20
  18. Fathi Khaled Njadeh Naser, 20
  19. Abed Izz Barbar, 18
  20. Ahmad Nader Bazlameet, 21
  21. Amir Majed Najdi, 18
  22. Ala’ Fawwaz Khatib, 21
  23. Yousef Daoud Abbasi, 23
  24. Khalil Khalaf Odeh, 21
  25. Mousa Maher Jaber, 17
  26. Ziad Kayed Hijazi, 27
  27. Muntaser Yousef Shyoukhi, 25
  28. Jamal Faraj Da’na, 22
  29. Mansour Yousef Shyoukhi, 24
  30. Rabee’ Omar Bashir, 29
  31. Haron Rweidat, 17
  32. Hasan Mohammad Rweidi, 19
  33. Mohammad Ramadan Shallodi, 25

The forces also arrested 16-year old Emad Mheisen from the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem.